
Time for my monthly post! Thank goodness I didn't miss a month. Gulp...eheh...

March went by so fast for me that I didn't even realize it was over. By the time I did, I realized I had nothing to say in a blog post.

I'm not required to do this.

The zine is almost done. I lost some of the files. Cry about it. I know I did.

The Dwarf Fortress update is coming out tomorrow and it is going to add the Adventurer mode back into the game. When I first learned to play Dwarf Fortress, I almost exclusively played in Adventurer mode. Mostly because I was already familiar with roguelike controls and playing Fortress mode was too intimidating. Funny thing is that I would argue Adventurer mode is harder and more unforgiving.

That's the thing about Dwarf Fortress, it isn't really that hard of a game. It is actually really easy if you play it safe. Once you know how to set up a farm, set up some work orders, make efficient housing, and design defensive structures you basically can't lose. Playing safe is boring and uninteresting.

In my most recent fortress, my original two miners fell in love and got married. I had them mining in the caverns in the dangerous pockets of precious gems which sometimes contain demons or lava. I was doing this knowin full well that they were risking life and limb.

Unsurprisingly, a demon came crawling out from the gem wall. It grabbed one of the miners, trying to drag it into the pool of lava it sat in. The miner was barely able to escape with his life when another demon came out of the wall. I put out the order to send all the dwarves into the safe part of my fortress, hoping to prevent a massacre. The two miners had to haul ass to get to the saferoom in time.

Sadly, the one who had narrowly escaped before, exhausted from his first fight, was grabbed by a second demon who ripped his arm and legs off. His wife came charging over to his rescue and was able to kill one demon before the militia reached her and killed the other.

The injured miner was dragged back to the surface and miraculously survived. He spent the rest of his days the tavernkeeper, no longer a miner.

That's all, really.