
I have a couple things to say.

I have been pretty busy lately so I haven't done much on the way of actual work on the next text-based experience. That isn't particularly important, but I just want to mention it. I plan for it to be out around mid-December, which would keep my output at a nice, clean, once a month ordeal. They may be little joke games but they're how I'm building a couple skills I've wanted to work on for a while. This site as a whole is exactly that, a jokey way to do something creative while working on some skills I want to cultivate.

The Austin Powers Archive is, unfortunately indefinitely on-hold. To be entirely honest, there's just not that much in the way of interesting stuff that hasn't already been archived elsewhere. I've still got some things together that I want to share, so I think that project is going to be converted into more of a directory as opposed to a wiki. Think links to promo material, archived copies of the few Austin Powers games. Maybe I'll capture some footage of my own of the aforementioned games.

The zine is still in the brainstorming stages. Not to spoil anything, but I've got some people with experience in this kind of thing I am talking to. I also have a little experience in this kind of endeavor myself. Expect more news in the coming months, likely Februaryish.

I'm going to set a goal to try and write some reviews of games for this blog. I don't think I'm a particularly good writer at the moment, but it's a skill I'm trying to develop. I have no real intention of writing fiction or poetry for this site, don't worry (beyond interactive fiction). Purely nonfiction, as that's where my actual interest in writing lies. I'm hoping to do about one review a month. Maybe not only reviews, but also discussions of gaming news, et cetera. I might even try busting out some of my research skills.

Last thing, I think I might overhaul the whole website again. I might make the blog the primary focus of the site's design now that the archive has fallen to the wayside. If I do, it would probably be in the next couple of weeks. That's all, really.