The website's foundations are now set. It is at a place where I am happy to declare it open for business because the pages that currently exist I can adapt into the remaining pages I need. That being said, I realize that nobody knows what this is. The seven people in my Discord (who not even a majority have visited this sketchy ass website) are the only ones who have been informed of its existence, but that is it. Also, I literally don't care if nobody visits this site. The internet doesn't work like that anymore, I get it. It isn't for anyone but me.

First and foremost, this website will exist as a way for me to ramble my thoughts out in a way that feels more creative than just literally rambling to people about ideas I have.

Secondly, this website is a way for me to consolidate all the joke and also serious creative ideas that I've had for a while now with no outlet to outlet. The idea for a zine is one I've had since the winter of 2021 but so far have done nothing with. The Austin Powers Archive isn't a very serious endeavor. More on that to come. The zine is something I am going to genuinely pursue and plan on taking a while. Maybe a year. Basic gist of it is a zine centered around late 90s, early 2000s comedy films and experiences with them. It's going to be called the Shagazine. I think that's a pretty great name. I don't care if it's taken or anything because it's mine now.

Lastly, this website is a way to hold myself accountable to these ideas. I like starting projects and I hate finishing them. As long as exists, I have a testament to my hubris if I leave them incomplete or in a state that I'm not satisfied with. Okay that's all goodbye.